Monday, June 15, 2015

Here it comes . . .

Ok I know I have not been on in forever; had lots of stuff going on, but I thought I should do something with this boring old Monday, so I thought I would write a post! Be prepared for the rant that will follow . . .


      Ok, just going to say it right out here now; WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!? Yep I know; harsh. But it is the truth. Why the hell are we poaching stuff?! Hunting; fine. Shooting tigers and lions and wolves and bears? I HATE YOU! When you shoot something, think of it like this. You have a beating heart, right? (Everybody who reads this better answer yes to that question.) So when you poach, or you keep wild animals captive on your property and shoot them for sport (canned hunting uses lions etc), you should realize that you are stopping that animal's heart. We all fear death (although none of us wants to admit that), and I guarantee you, that if you were a tiger, or a lion, or a leopard, and you had a gun pointed at you, you would fear death. We as humans don't like pain. So why the hell do we think animals like pain? Sure they get into battle, but so do we. It's called a boxing match. So why why why do we think that animals are something different!? They are living creatures, like us, they have a heart, like us, they can love, like us, they have a survival instinct, like us.They fight, like us. They have self-defense. LIKE US! For the love of God, why can't we realize this?! Animals are just like us, but they walk, talk, and act differently. Those are the only differences. And we as humans also have those differences! FIGURE THAT OUT!!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Stripes and Spots

Hey everybody!!! So sorry I have not posted in such a long time! I started school so I have had homework! Even on the weekends! =( The teachers are mean! (I am just kidding!!) In this new blogging "Unit" we will be talking about different types of leopards and tigers, and another mystery creature with both stripes and spots! Comment below what you think it is!!!!!

Thanks for staying even though I have been off for a while!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)


              Vroom!!! The cheetah is the fastest land animal on the planet, reaching speeds of 75 miles per hour in less than three seconds. The victims of the cheetah's skill are antelope, springboks, hares, and impalas. It lives mostly in Africa, but also lives in Asia. Their golden, spotted coat hides them in the tall tawny grass, and their long tail helps them for balance when they run. Cheetahs cannot climb, so they perch on stumps, rocks, or fallen trees to scan their surroundings. When a cheetah makes a kill, it must eat very quickly because hyenas are not creatures who like sharing with other animals.
           Cheetahs status right now ranks vulerable, and we should do everything we possibly can to help!!

Did you know? Cheetahs are the only cats without retractable claws! This is what helps them run fast.

Monday, July 21, 2014


Ok I know this not about big cats at all, but I would like to alert everybody of the awful things poachers do to rhinos... Poachers are awful things that walk the earth, taking animals for granted. Poor rhinos and tigers and hippos and every other endangered animal. Please speak up!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

R.I.P Kimba. . .

Hello everybody... I have wanted to post this for a while but have been very busy so have not had the chance. I would like everybody who looks at this blog to know about the passing of one of the Big Cat Rescue's tigers, Kimba. This is a perfect example of how humans mistreat these precious big cats.

R.I.P Kimba, and forever will your spirit roam the Big Cat Rescue.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Just an FYI

Hi guys!!!! So I just wanted to let everybody know I will not be posting for a while so do not expect anything!!! That's all in this post; it's tiny!

Will not be posting at least until July 6th.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia)

      Chuff! Chuff! The snow leopard, or Panthera uncia, is just short of being a big, hissing, snarling, fluff-ball!!The froofy fur helps it keep warm in the alpines and the rocky mountains of Tibet and more of China. The snow leopard eats, wild mountain goats and sheep, hares, game birds, and pikas. Their habitat is very rocky, and their long, gorgeous tail helps them balance on a shaky log, or steep mountain.

       The snow leopard, like the clouded leopard, is not a small big cat, and not a large big cat, like a lion. Thus being said, the snow leopard cannot purr, like a small cat, and cannot roar like a big cat. It makes a chuffing sound, like a tiger.

       There are only about 6000 snow leopards left in the wild. Hunters love these amazing beasts because of their silky soft fur. The snow leopard is a gorgeous endangered beauty that needs your help to be saved!!!

Help raise awareness for these guys! They have done nothing to us!
