Monday, February 17, 2014

Whoops! On last post to was supposed to be two. Sorry!

Leopards And Lions

You have witnessed two different types of big cats so far; lions and leopards. After this post to more cats will wind their way into my blog bringing with them stripes and spots. Stay tuned for more posts about big cats!!!
                                Leopards (Panthera Pardus)

Leopards are a spotted, endangered beauty that roam in all parts of Africa south from Sahara, Asia east of Indus and south of Mongolia, and Indonesia. This sly creature hunts by day in early morning and late afternoon and by night at twilight. It will just about eat any game, large or small, often dropping down on it from its leafy perch in the trees. Oh! That's another thing about these wondrous cats, they can climb almost any tree and are the best climbers in the cat family. They can climb a tree with prey twice their size!!! Wowzers!

                     Little Known Fact

Black leopards are only hostile because when leopard mothers give birth to an almost black leopard, they drive them away giving them the hostile attitude. Poor babies!
 Lions (Panthera Leo)

ROAR!! These big cats' roar can be heard from at least 4 miles away on the southern African plains. Lions are a very distinct (stand out) cat, not just because of the male's appearence, but of the fact that lions are actually the only big cat to live in a group! These groups are called prides. Most prides have about 5 lions in them. Prides mostly consist of lioness (such as in the picture above) that work together to bring down large prey weighing as 2,200 pounds!!!! That's heavy!!!

                       Rarely noticed
They are the snowflakes on the golden plain. They are still lions even if they are not the smooth golden that lions are. White lions aren't widely known, but they are still lions, still live in prides, still work together.