Thursday, August 14, 2014

Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)


              Vroom!!! The cheetah is the fastest land animal on the planet, reaching speeds of 75 miles per hour in less than three seconds. The victims of the cheetah's skill are antelope, springboks, hares, and impalas. It lives mostly in Africa, but also lives in Asia. Their golden, spotted coat hides them in the tall tawny grass, and their long tail helps them for balance when they run. Cheetahs cannot climb, so they perch on stumps, rocks, or fallen trees to scan their surroundings. When a cheetah makes a kill, it must eat very quickly because hyenas are not creatures who like sharing with other animals.
           Cheetahs status right now ranks vulerable, and we should do everything we possibly can to help!!

Did you know? Cheetahs are the only cats without retractable claws! This is what helps them run fast.

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