Ok, just going to say it right out here now; WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!? Yep I know; harsh. But it is the truth. Why the hell are we poaching stuff?! Hunting; fine. Shooting tigers and lions and wolves and bears? I HATE YOU! When you shoot something, think of it like this. You have a beating heart, right? (Everybody who reads this better answer yes to that question.) So when you poach, or you keep wild animals captive on your property and shoot them for sport (canned hunting uses lions etc), you should realize that you are stopping that animal's heart. We all fear death (although none of us wants to admit that), and I guarantee you, that if you were a tiger, or a lion, or a leopard, and you had a gun pointed at you, you would fear death. We as humans don't like pain. So why the hell do we think animals like pain? Sure they get into battle, but so do we. It's called a boxing match. So why why why do we think that animals are something different!? They are living creatures, like us, they have a heart, like us, they can love, like us, they have a survival instinct, like us.They fight, like us. They have self-defense. LIKE US! For the love of God, why can't we realize this?! Animals are just like us, but they walk, talk, and act differently. Those are the only differences. And we as humans also have those differences! FIGURE THAT OUT!!!!
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